CBSE released the Circular on September 29, 2021 to host webinars to explain Competency-based Questions for Science, Mathematics, Social Science and English in detail. The webinars turned out to be eye-popping and extremely informative for students and teachers as the CBSE experts discussed what to expect in the forthcoming Term 1 Exams. Never before has such clarity been given via video webinars to everyone on board exams.
We attended these webinars and some really useful insights will follow below on what type of MCQs in Term 1 Boards will be asked and how to answer them. So, please read till the end to not miss out on such a critical update.
The panelists for every webinar covered how the questions are formed around the Competency-based Education System. CBSE made it very clear that to move away from rote learning and mugging up of concepts, Term 1 MCQ Board Exam will be heavily competency-driven in nature.