The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has clarified the report claiming “upto 6 grace marks” will be provided to the students appeared in the class 12 Accountancy exam as fake. The board in a statement said, “It has been brought to the notice of the Board that fake news reports allegedly quoting an audio message in the name of controller of examination, CBSE are being circulated claiming that due to an error in class 12 Accountancy term 1 paper conducted on December 13 “upto 6 grace marks” will be given.” Meanwhile, a principal shared the audio claiming that the controller of exam Sanyam Bhardwaj said that in a meeting held on Monday. In the audio message the controller was heard saying, “Don’t worry students, if you attempt 28 to 31 questions correctly, you will score around 38 marks. CBSE will award grace marks upto six to the students.”
The controller also termed the change of pattern in the CBSE Class 12 Accountancy paper at the last minute as a “shock” to the students. “In CBSE sample papers, you are asked to attempt 45 out of 55 questions, while in the exam paper it is 40 out of 48 questions, it seems shocking to the students. Along with that, the instructions were not proper in the paper,” the controller said.
Referring to the 12th Accountancy paper, the controller said, “The answer of question number 10 in the answer key was 100 per cent wrong, question number 47 is controversial.” “You will get at least 5 or 6 [grace] marks,” he added.