Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Home Articles About - Nazir Ahmad Bhat

About – Nazir Ahmad Bhat

I am Nazir Ahmad Bhat school teacher resident of village Pirpora district Shopian of Jammu and Kashmir U.T.I am a positive person who has enthuastic look on life. I love my job and Iget a great sense of achievement from seeing my students develop and grow as individual. If I can have a positive impact on their future, I feel I am doing my job well.

I took over the charge of the school some four years ago. I was working as resource person in the department. In summer 2015 I was given an opportunity to do what I had yearned to do since my childhood .I wanted to do something for my own people. So I joined a primary school of my own village whose courtyard until few years ago served as the villagers dumping Kashmir U.T.I am a positive person who has enthuastic look on life .I love my job and I get a great sense of achievement from seeing my students develop and grow as individual. If I can have a positive impact on their future, I feel I am doing my job well. reluctant to send their wards to the school. Besides already enrolled students too were not interested in continuing studies in the school. In addition that school also lacks matting,,furniture and accommodation. School also lacks land to develop the school playground and garden. So it was very ver important for me to create that type of environment in which kids can learn in a joy full manner and to create home like environment for farming background kids.

To create home like environment for farming background kids at school.
Increase roll and create interest of already enrolled kids at school.
To turn the school an attractive, green and clean place for kids.
To promote innovative and joyful teaching at my school.


When I took over the charge some four years ago. I was given an opportunity to do what I had yearned to do sine my childhood . I wanted to do something for my own people. At that time I realized parents were reluctant to send their wards because of worse condition of the school. Already enrolled kids were not showing interest at the school. There were heaps of cow dung. School structure was also in shambles. I accepted that challenge and immediately contacted parents and other community members. I organize VEC meetings and decided to turn the school an attractive place for students. I along with other two teachers got in to the act of cleaning the school premises,
sensing zeal school teachers were cleaning the school premises villagers also joined us. Within few weeks the premises were cleared of all the muck.
After that I found it easy to develop a garden in front of the school in order to impart practical skills such as gardening for farming back ground kids. Intention was to impart skill. make students feel at home. With the help of social forestry department and floriculture deppt, students and community support we develop a herbal and vegetable garden at our school. We organize various plantation drives to beautify our school, Initially school also lacked proper matting and furniture. For this I also had a plan.

There is also a panchayat ghar next to our school, it had furniture. I got panchayat members on board and took up the matter of allowing us to use the unused furniture at the panchayat ghar with Rural Development Department. I made them understand that education is imperative for rural development And they understood. They allow us to use matting and furniture of panchayat ghar.We also got community support in getting different sets of uniform for kids at our school.

Last year I also got census done at my village, so that no child belonging to weaker sections is left out. It is my duty to get everyone here educated. Nobody should be deprived of education due to poverty. People in the community also contribute towards school in every way.


Our efforts starting bearing fruits with people choosing this government school for their kids over the two other two private schools in the area. The roll has doubled at our school ,it was around forty earlier . Now we have 80 got students enrolled at our school. Due to our efforts we have presently three room hutment with neatly manicured lawns, breeze laden with aroma of DIALLIAHS, Marigolds and Roses besides pines and Cypress on its sides for a moment gives feel of recreation park. A vegetable garden also dots the park. Lawn is not the result of some gardener but joint effort of teachers, students and community. With the help of this garden our primary school kids translate their textbook lessons in to practice. Initially education of children seemed no priority at the school. But all that is history now. The school is now not only full of children, but innovative teaching methods are also making more parents send their wards here. Kids feel happy at our school and our roll is increasing day by day. Now our school is a model one despite shortage of both staff and space .Our class rooms that accommodate 80 students are well decorated. The walls of each room are treated with posters ,charts of different sorts and paintings that quickly grab attention of kids. Since we have garden facility now we engage our kids in different activities. Presently we have green, clean and home like environment in our school. It may be a small step in the direction of drawing people back to government sector in Jammu Kashmir, but large enough to show the way how it is done. Some incredible works taken by me have been highlighted by a number of citizens on social media sites, a number of T.V. channels and newspapers. Sri Aurobindo society has also appreciated me with two certificates for promoting joy full teaching at school.


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