Sigma ‘ ‘ sounds very arbitrary. However, this word or symbol is etched in my heart for the profound meaning that an acronym well-pronounced as :
S – Science and social life
I – Ingenious intentions
G – Grammar and Graphology
M – Mathematics
A – Attitude to reach the altitude

For someone, this symbol ‘ ‘ could merely be a statistical tool in standard skills viz, consistency, variability homogeneity etc. It’s Cumbersome calculation can be atrociously arduous, complex and tedious. The algorithm of this mathematical summation is invariably always positive despite its all the values like negative, positive, zero. I could not concur this in my real life until this mathematical deviation became a compelling mantra in my life. Virtually it had always taught me ‘to keep going’ with my ‘go-getter’ attitude even when life brutally hit you in the head with a brick. The sheer optimism in my life is the result of always looking at the brighter side with hope and positivity even when there are periods which are completely obscured with melancholy. This is probably because of the very nature of this sum to procure answer in positive regardless of its any value.

Let me connect this precept Precisely to an episode in my life. I have always been very Zealous, Zestful and fervently passionate about teaching. When I was blessed with my first opportunity to teach ‘Science’ particularly ‘Chemistry’ I had absolutely left no stone unturned to give my best to break down the complexity of the subject. I just reckoned that I was absolutely immaculate with my enthralling session from the fabricated words of students, “Pehli baar Chemistry samja”, the realization dawned upon me when the management quoted, “Sorry sir, students did not like your lecture ” At this point I really felt despair, dispirited and disillusioned from all the accolades I had received, marking my brilliance and intelligence in my years of learning
At that moment I felt the naked truth of life which offers the unexpected turns without preparation. However, at this point I could not materialize anything that can overpower this feeling of tearful moments. Just when I intended to conceive, “probably, teaching is not a cup of my tea”, suddenly my conscience pricked me and it filtered with unprecedented change, brewing the real of essence of life with inner words, “My overconfidence will definitely drown me in the sea of reality, but my own low self-esteem and inferiority will magnify it “. I approached the class again with a renewed faith, entreating them for the second chance. After several reluctance, I was given a challenging part of math, I left all my inhibitions and mindless shiverings, faced the students again, put my finger on it and just rocked it. In the lecture particularly this was my inception point of teaching and growing. Science always teaches the life lessons to be socially active, Newton’s third law of motion explains about action and reaction , this two perpendicular forces always acts in every form.
I – Ingenious Intentions have always been a strong bulwark in my life in times of trials and tribulations. Eschewing my family business, to following unconventional course in the life in the mid of Engineering’, was no less than filmy ‘3 Idiots’ episode. This distinct choice to become an educator not only made me’ black sheep ‘ in the family but the idea was received with plethora of scoffs and contempt. I almost felt abandoned from my own familial ties. What started as challenge eventually from my father to prove my stance and worth in 6 months with my peculiar choice of teaching, it ended with exhaustive hours of diligence and dedication with 200 students in short span. I can vividly recall that moment when I was felicitated as chief guest in the annual day, I could precisely see the surge of pride and veneration my parents felt for my right decision and choice. The verity of ‘winning your goals’ was lucid and clear to me at this point. I would always remember, “When you have clarity of intention the universe conspires with you to make it happen” and intention is one of the most powerful forces , it ignites the fuel and heads towards the pinnacle.
G – ‘Grammar and Graphology’ brought another wave of unprecedented change in my life.I was absolutely oblivious to the idea that as an educator everything comes down to a matter of individuality, staple to this truth I realized that children are taught to imitate their teachers exactly, and this is not queer how quickly they develop their own distinctive ways of writing? Same classroom, same teacher but look at the humungous variety of handwriting styles that emerge! My inquisitiveness and desire to reach students beyond their bookish knowledge to keep a protective eye, observe and understand the personalities of my students. All this had a lion’s share to intervene before problems occur in the classroom.
My love for languages and particularly grammar was the vital link. From word choice to fragmented sentences, and more, everything helped me poignantly to be infographic, keeping me away from egregious grammar goofs. I had no courage and confidence to restart my learning process with FRENCH, the necessity nudged me to hone my skills with this new language. Honestly, I was a hesitating jay to study at the age of 35 again with the age of own students well, ‘Education has no bar’ was not easily stimulating at that moment though, however with lot of if’s and but’s I adequately prepared myself to learn French efficiently with astonishingly simple steps and now teaching the subject easily to my students! In hindsight, I see ‘35’ was an age of Renaissance for me.
My inclination for mathematics was beyond the horizon to gauge. I always found the mathematical problems elegant for its inherent beauty to explore problems where focus is unlimited at different levels of ability. Math has always taught me to differentiate sorrows , adversities and integrate joys and add glories to one’s life. It also makes us believe that every problem has a solution. Every segment of life is connected with this brilliant subject. It makes us systematic develops our spatial and critical thinking.
This ‘problem solving’ attitude came handy when in the class once I scored 41/50 in the challenging test, carving my own niche and identity in the crowd of 200 students from that every momentous day. It was prominently turning point of my life as from that day my roll no ‘ 188 ‘ made me a distinguished math’ alumnus in my college. All in all I can say that this subject is like a Kalpavriksha a wish yielding tree for me.

It is rightly quipped, “Attitude certainly determines your direction” I had always learned to ‘ integrate’ everything that is positive and, good around me while to expunge and derivate sinister thoughts and minds in my life. Even during bleak times in my institution, I stood eminently strong and empowered when the great teachers in my Institution deserted me unanticipatedly. If you think you can then you can ….
In life attitude is everything. Usually people mirror our own unconscious feelings and attitude about life that perhaps are not acknowledging head on. Innovation distinguishes a leader from a follower , this aphorism quoted by Steve jobs has a high degree of attitude.