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Home Articles Thoughts, Space and Architectural (Professional/Educational) Journey

Thoughts, Space and Architectural (Professional/Educational) Journey

Ar. Jemish Bhanubhai Lathiya did bachelors of Architecture from a prestigious institute – Indubhai Parekh School of Architecture”Anam” is just a made-up word that we came up with from “anamorphous” has a very interesting meaning. It means an image or drawing distorted in such a way that it becomes recognizable only when viewed in a specific manner, and the process involved is known as anamorphosis.

Every set of given requirements have a range of solutions, but finding a specific solution for each individual is the key concern for us, and not the generic version for the same. We tend to the clients need which are recognized by them as apt solutions for them.

And this is how the name “anam” came up. Which does not hold any preconceived notions rather have the freedom: freedom for ideas and expressions to manifest into varied spaces & places…? Which when viewed from client’s perspectives sets immense by their needs and aspiration.  

He has more than 08 years Experience of in Professional Practices & Research and also guided by 25+ students for their Dissertations of bachelors as well as Masters Level at various institutions. He has also worked as Research Associate under ICSSR major Research projects. 

He has published 02 books – the first book on The Mountain avalanche- A winsome episode- ISBN No- 978-613-8-82535-7). The aim of studying the architecture of Sikkim was to enhance the architectural details, material exploration and significance in an effective to equip them to evolve such details for their academic projects. The program follows various stages and discussions of the respective structures, their methodology of construction, the broader historical context and cultural influence.

the second book on Parking Policy for Vadodara city, Gujarat, India. Rapid growth in vehicles population has put an enormous strain on all million-plus cities. Due to high vehicle ownership and poor public transport facilities especially in the cities where population between 1 to 2 million. This study concerned with Vadodara city. The main objective of this study is to identify the problems in the existing parking area by collecting parking survey data. This study can help to find an innovative solution to the current problems such as increasing vehicle density, the capacity of the parking area and poor parking facility etc. It investigates problems with current parking planning, discusses the costs of parking facilities and potential savings from improved management, describes specific parking management strategies and how they can be implemented, discusses planning and evaluation issues, and describes how to develop optimal parking management in a particular situation. Cost-effective parking management programs can usually reduce parking requirements by 20-40% compared with conventional planning requirements, providing many economic, social and environmental benefits.

And also published & presented many Research paper in National/ International Journals and conference/ seminar proceeding.

Involving in various vernacular Architectural Documentations works with Students in form of Related Study Program. We Documented Junagarh, Jaipur, Goa, Jodhpur, Mandvi (Kutch), Udaipur, Gangkot, Rinchenpong, Vadnagar (House form, Settlement pattern, Historic monuments & Architecture) etc.  Architecture is generated by various layers like physical as well as cultural. It is an integrated outcome of living and cultural pattern of people, social structure, history, climate, materials, economy, technology prevalent at that place and the aspirations of the people. Each layer contributes varyingly, weaving complex yet a united whole. These layers form the character of a context, which is very specific to a place. Architecture causes in form and space to attributes of a place. Architecture, unlike other art forms, is distinct from music, sculpture, literature, fine arts or motion picture since its expression and physical forms are inseparable from the location.

Currently involved in The Erasmus+ project A step forward in the internationalization of Higher Education Institutions in Nepal and India / InterNepInd”  is a Capacity Building project which aims to support the internationalization process of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in India and Nepal, to improve the quality of Higher Education and to promote regional and international cooperation.  Funded agency- Erasmus + Programme of the European Union.

InterNepInd consortium is integrated by 9 HEIs from Spain, Portugal, India and Nepal, coordinated by Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena (UPCT, Spain). SMAID has been selected as an Institutional partner from India as part of the Consortium of Higher Education Institutions in India (5 Partners), Nepal (2 Partners).

Wider Objective of the project

  • To support the internationalization process of HEIs in India and Nepal to improve the quality of higher education.

Specific Project Objectives

  • To collect best practices for internationalization of higher education in India and Nepal to serve as a basis for the internationalization processes of InterNepInd partner HEIs.
  • To design internationalization strategies for Indian and Nepalese partners.

The final objective is to frame a strategy for internationalization specific to each HEI from India and Nepal taking into account the best internationalization practices identified in both countries.

Strongly believes in teamwork & sharing knowledge to increase deep and intense understanding.


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